Meaning and origin of the name Leia

Gender: Female
Also available in Estonian,

Leia is used in

Australia Canada United States Estonia Sweden

Countries where Leia has name day

Leia is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Leia's name day is Mars 27.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Leia

The name Leia is of Hebrew origin and means "weary" or "meadow." It is also thought to be a variant of the name Leah. In some cultures, Leia is associated with strength, resilience, and grace.

Popularity and Famous Namesakes

Leia gained popularity as a given name due to the iconic character Princess Leia Organa from the Star Wars franchise, portrayed by the late actress Carrie Fisher. This character is known for her bravery, leadership, and determination.

Usage and Variations

The name Leia is commonly used for baby girls in various parts of the world. Some variations of the name include Laya, Léa, and Leya. In some cultures, it may also be spelled as Leah.


There is no specific nameday associated with the name Leia, as it is not traditionally tied to a specific date or celebration.

Celestial Inspiration

Interestingly, the name Leia also draws inspiration from the celestial realm. In astronomy, Leia is a minor planet in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, discovered in 2000 by American astronomer Roy Tucker.

In conclusion, the name Leia carries a blend of historical significance, pop culture references, and celestial ties, making it a name that resonates with a sense of strength and beauty.
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